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//THIS AND THAT. It's been a busy week yet again. Not only do I have a lot of deadlines haunting my conscience, but I also have been pretty busy organizing or rather sending out mails for City Slickers, have been trying to get my mikado stuff up and going again, make dust art and nearly sliced off my finger.Phewww. Well, luckily I've still had a few minutes to find new stuff to post.I went to visit one of my favourite blogs this week (, and started reading up on this years Art Basel (so awesome). One link lead to another, and then I came upon this great piece by Tatian Trouvé... check out the gallery which represents her here.
/...One more thing.
Check out this chair chair (double wording intended:)
Joesph Kosuth...beat this!
//CITY SLICKERS. I've been mad busy lately.It seems though that despite how occupied I am, I always find more and more things to fill my schedule with. One of these new "projects" is CITY SLICKERS.City Slickers is an illustration/design exhibition I am currently curating. The exhibition, as the title gives away, is based on the theme "city".The exhibition is a group show that will feature some South African as well as some international illustrators. The works will finally be exhibited in Pretoria and Durban.The first show will be held in Pretoria, at the gallery/design café +27 on the 13th of August! Despite awesome art, the two great bands "a skyline on fire" and "vampire 9000" will be performing. I'll be updating the blog with info on the event, such as some sneak previews of submitted works etc., so please keep visiting! Here's the flyer for the Pretoria exhibition!
//BANKSY.First off, I must apologize (if anyone's is reading that is), that I haven't made any posts for about a month!Mostly, I had been pretty busy making art or doing other study stuff, but when I did have a gap and tried to make a post blogger seemed to fail me by taking decades to load. So let's hope it doesn't fail me again!I guess if you're reading this it hasn't.
I'm sure most people are familiar with Banksy, the street artists work. I came across a flyer to promote his new work the other day. I find it genius as it definitely takes an innovative approach to street art , and is certainly loaded with humour.Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I am sure now the British will be more law adhering in bagging up their dogs two-sies, in order to keep that "street art" off the street. Nice one Banksy!