Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tattered Skateboarding magazines and Barry McGee


I remember reading about Barry McGee in a Transworld Skateboarding Magazine many years ago. His work interested me in a basic way. Eventhough his works didn't capture heavy content and convey some hyper-genius concept it somehow still had something impressive to it.Perhaps it was due to its basic nature and approach that it appealled to me. Saying things in a simple manner, yet doing it with humour and effect.

So many years later, after having trashed the tattered Transworld Magazine and propably having cut out the images of McGees work , only to loose them later, I keep coming accross McGee and his "animated views".He expresses his vision through paintings and drawings, and does these with much originality and never once has made something that came accross as pretentious or forced.McGee creates his humble drawings and paintings, and demands ones attention through his display methods, crowding frames right next to each other, into a corner, to the extent where they are even placed on tope of each other, only kept in place by a nail, or lets them flood to the floor, though as if recklessly thrown into the corner of a messy room.

Mc Gee is an artist that allows you to breathe out yet still gain something and at the same time make you feel like you're observing a friends posterwall and keep discovering something new everytime you come to visit.



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