Wednesday, April 14, 2010

//NEW INNOVATIONS/ second-hand

Derick Melander's work is definitely a true productof innovation!The artist makes sculptures out of old clothes, or rather as he states creates " large geometric configurations from carefully folded and stacked second-hand clothing" !

Yes,his installations are where all old mens sweat pants and all joggers oversized shirts end up.As Melander explains ,clothing is his choice of medium as it wears, fades, stains and stretches it becomes an intimate record of our physical presence .Yet,they are transformed into something beautiful and vibrant(
source).His sculptures don't only consist of old clothes but the artist also makes use of old shoes.

These sculptures arent just made out of basic layers of these "left overs",but rather consist of these 2nd hand garments being neatly folded to exact dimension and placed on top of each other in a specific manner.


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